Common names: Myoporum
Description: Small, bright green evergreen tree (or shrub) with a broad crown growing 9 to 30 ft high. Branches are stout and spreading with thick bark.
Flowers: 2 to 6 flowers per inflorescence. Each flower has a 5 lobed calyx, is bell shaped, white with purple spots and about .4 inches in diameter. Fruits are created in clusters of 2 to 6, about .5 inches, ovoid, fleshy, pale to dark reddish purple.
Leaves: 3 to 4 inches long, alternate, slightly fleshy, and bright green with translucent dots. Younge leaves are bronze-green and sticky (as are the stems)
Reproduction: By seed.
Flowering: Early spring.
Habitat and Ecology: Native to New Zealand.